The Arch Guidelines

Please send all announcements for the monthly Arch newsletter to Communications Chair by the 25th of the month prior to the month of publication. The Arch is created via Informz through HigherLogic to send out to our membership through email marketing; thus, high-quality imagery is preferred alongside write-ups for articles, job postings, etc. PDFs are welcome although the imagery may degrade while converting to JPG or PNG for usage. For multiple page announcements, please provide a single-page, raw Microsoft Word file or individual PDFs, concisely worded, with links provided to ancillary pages such as registration forms or other attachments.
The Arch will be available immediately after distribution to membership under The Arch Newsletter page on the Section website, alongside prior editions. Delivery of the newsletter hardcopy by mail will be made upon request. Members have the responsibility to keep their contact information in the ASCE national database up-to-date. Please note that the St. Louis Section is only provided with members’ PRIMARY information on file at the Society-level. To ensure that we can contact you, please edit your PRIMARY information to contain the information where you would like the section to contact you and how you would like your information to appear in our annual roster.
Please be sure to keep your PRIMARY contact information up-to-date by contacting ASCE or call 800-548-ASCE (2723).
We are delighted represent your stake in ASCE St. Louis Section!