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Awards & Scholarships
The ASCE St. Louis Section celebrates accomplished engineers and projects that highlight the best our region has to offer to the civil engineering profession. These honored individuals are nominated by their peers in recognition of their service and achievements. Nominate a project or colleague whom you believe deserves recognition by ASCE St. Louis Section.
Nominations are due by June 15th annually, whereas awards are then presented at the annual Section Awards Banquet.
Project of the Year is awarded annually for any engineering project that falls into the general category of civil engineering. The award is given to the owner, lead design engineer and general contractor of the project. Only engineering and construction achievements within the boundaries of the St. Louis Section are eligible. The project must have been completed and placed into operation within 5 years of the date the nomination is submitted. Basis for the Award is “an engineering project that demonstrates the greatest engineering skills, and represents the greatest contribution to civil engineering progress and mankind”.
Professional Recognition Award recognizes the importance of professional attainment in the advancement of the science and profession of engineering and is presented annually to a Member of the St. Louis Section who has made substantial contributions to the engineering profession and the St. Louis Section.
Young Engineer Award recognizes professional contributions of younger members to the Society and to the Section and is presented annually to a member of the Section who is less than 35 years old.
Outstanding Faculty/Practitioner Advisor Award is made annually for any Faculty/Practitioner Advisor who supports ASCE student chapters and civil engineering students. The nominee must be active with ASCE student members in the St. Louis Section and must be a member of ASCE.
This award is made annually to individuals who have performed outstanding service to people in their communities. The awardees need not be civil engineers but are selected based on their service to the general public that has some connection with the planning, design, or construction services in the civil engineering profession.
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